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Flower Field at Organic Blooms
An open window in a stone farmhouse is filled with an urn of roses, foxgloves, scented jasmine trails and the pick of June's cut flowers. Photo: Farhill Flowers

Celebrate British Flowers Week 03 - 09 June 2024

Join us for this annual event managed by Flowers From the Farm which puts British grown cut flowers and foliage firmly in the spotlight. Originally founded by New Covent Garden Market

A guide to social media for BFW

We want to get as many people as possible celebrating British flowers across the media in the weeks leading up to and including BFW. Here are a few ideas on how you can get involved, from hosting an event to championing the floral industry with photos, stories and opportunities for others to learn. Whether you’re a complete beginner with social media or a seasoned professional, we’d love to see you sharing your stories, enthusiasm and love for flowers during this time.

Over at Flowers from the Farm’s Instagram account, we’ll be re-sharing stories and images shared with us throughout the event − so be sure to tag us and use the following hashtags for the best visibility.

Hashtags for Instagram: #BritishFlowersWeek #BritishFlowersWeek2024

Accounts to tag: @flowersfromthefarm @marketflowers

British Flowers Week has grown in social traction each year and we hope to encourage more conversations surrounding the industry than ever before. Using the power of the platforms you have already, bring British flowers to the attention of the media and general public this June.


The Duchess of Cornwall holds a bouquet of British flowers at the London Garden Museum's British Flowers Week launch 2021

The then Duchess of Cornwall holds a bouquet of British flowers at the London Garden Museum's British Flowers Week launch 2021

Millpond Flower Farm uses its mill pond to model a crop of its freshly picked locally grown flowers as they fill a rowing boat on the water.

Millpond Flower Farm uses its mill pond to model a crop of its freshly picked locally grown flowers as they fill a rowing boat on the water.

Locally grown flowers being sold at market by The Meadow Patch

Locally grown flowers being sold at market by The Meadow Patch

Alice Antcliff of Meadowfolk demonstrating a seasonal floral tables cape at the RHS Flower School at Hampton Court

Alice Antcliff of Meadowfolk demonstrating a seasonal floral tables cape

Flower Picking at Matilda Delves Blooming Green

Flower Picking at Matilda Delves Blooming Green

Buckets of Flowers at organic Blooms

Buckets of Flowers at Organic Blooms

Advertise Your Event

As you know, awareness is key to business success, and hosting events is a fantastic way to increase awareness locally.

Send out a press release to your local papers. (If your a member don’t forget to utilise our PR toolkit).

When sharing to social media please use these tags to ensure a wider reach:#BritishFlowersWeek and #BritishFlowersWeek2024 #FlowersFromTheFarm @flowersfromthefarm and @marketflowers in your posts on social media as we will be re-sharing content throughout the week.

If you are a current member of Flowers from the Farm you can add your event directly onto our events page here

Two women drink tea while sitting at a table with a blue and white checked tablecloth, under an umbrella in a sunny garden.

Farhill Flowers, near Chepstow, offers visitors tea and cake in the garden (Lucy Shergold Photography).

Bryonia Flowers and Grown and Made workshop making arrangements photo by Joanna Eardley

East Anglia members gather in Bury St Edmunds to decorate the landmark signpost with locally grown cut flowers for British Flowers Week 2023

East Anglia members gather in Bury St Edmunds to decorate the landmark signpost with locally grown cut flowers for British Flowers Week 2023

Not just for British Flowers Week!

Leaning Resources

When this particular party is over, our blooms still go on. Find out more about what’s available throughout the year with our learning resources.

Cuckoo Vases

Visit our gallery

Showcasing the best of the season, our gallery of members’ photos changes in tune with the lengthening and shortening of the days.