As part of British Flowers Week you are invited to have a wander around The Old Bakery Flower Garden. A garden full of character and home of The Old Bakery Flower Garden sustainable cut flower business.
Look out for the patio made of bricks from the old ovens and the well that powered the steam baking ovens.
The garden is divided into various ‘rooms’ each with their own character and there’s also an area of cutting beds, with a wild flower area along the roadside. Of course amongst all of this will be some beautiful flowers, both perennial and annuals, all grown without chemicals.
There will be homemade elderflower champagne and shortbread available – the cost being donated to The British Red Cross.
Please feel free to ask questions. and as you leave have a look at the flower stall on the drive where you will find some lovely seasonal bouquets.
For flower information:
Cost: FREE
How to Book: No booking required.
Parking in Walford Church field adjacent to war memorial on the corner. Parking at The Old Bakery for those with access requirements.
See signs for parking and The Old Bakery on the roadside.