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Anna Hill
71 Marquess Rd
Greater London
N1 2PT
My name is Anna and I am a florist supplying arrangements in North London. I work with passion to create beautiful spaces for any occasion. I live on the Islington/Hackney border and from the start of my business in 2020 I committed myself to as far as possible buying only locally grown seasonal flowers and foliage. I am also very fortunate to have a garden, so am enjoying the development of my own flowers. As a family we previously spent five years in Amsterdam. During this time my love for flowers was heightened through the city’s floral beauty, charm and creativity through the different seasons. As I make my home here in London, these same themes are present. Whether celebrating someone’s life, a marriage or other event, my hope is that my work enhances these occasions and celebrates the season we are in. I care about community and connecting people and places and so working with local businesses and charities is also an important part of my work. My hope is that as you support local flower growers, you too will discover the J O Y of buying local, organically grown seasonal flowers.
See information about other Flowers from the Farm members who may also offer the flowers or service that you are looking for.
I grow beautiful flowers on my family's farm in Edenbridge, Kent. I use regenerative farming practices in order to put back more into the ...
We grow seasonal, organically grown flowers and pick-your-own flowers for weddings and events on a fruit farm in Kent. Our flowers are ...