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Tuckshop flowers kneels and crumbles soil in preparation for planting out sweet Williams.

Frequently Asked Questions about Membership

FAQs about membership

  • Does my membership include VAT?

    Yes. When you have paid you will be able to download a .PDF VAT invoice from your accounts payment section.
  • I'm a member but I can't log in. What should I do?

    The most common reason for login problems is that the email address you used to register your account with FFTF is different to the email you are trying to log in with.  Try using another email address if you have several and this may be the answer.  You can also follow the link on login to reset your password if you can't remember it - a password change link will be sent to the email we have registered on your account.  If you've tried both these suggested  solutions but are still having problems, please contact and we'll help you.
  • At what stage should I join Flowers from the Farm?

    We have members who are at the planning stage of their flower growing business, right through to established businesses who have been trading for years. Anyone wishing to earn a living through growing or using British grown flowers is welcome to join us. All we ask is that you have a serious intention to run your own flower business. If you only want to gain experience in growing or arranging why not take a look at our events page and explore courses and workshops offered by our members, or find a local flower club or gardening group?
  • Are there any membership criteria for your flower farmers?

    Our members are independent British flower businesses large and small across the UK. As a volunteer led organisation, Flowers from the Farm is here to support members, not to regulate, or to offer a pattern book for running a flower business. The majority of our members share a passion for the environment and for growing using environmentally friendly approaches without the use of pesticides and chemicals. We ask that all members share our values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity, and the ethical values of honesty and openness. We expect members to act in line with these values at all times.
  • I've got a business partner - do we both need to take out individual FFTF memberships?

    A membership allows one main member whose registered email is the point of contact for all FFTF admin and communication and allows one business listing on our website directory. Where a business is a partnership or has additional staff the main member can log in to the website and register a single 'additional member' (or sub account) for their business.  This nominated 'additional member' can attend FFTF meetings and access the members area of the FFTF website. As a rule, only the main member will be permitted to join the closed facebook groups and receive emails, newsletters etc. However, the main member can put it a request to requesting that their additional member be added to the facebook group.  They must provide the additional members name, their business name and the additional members facebook account name. The main member is responsible for sharing this information with their staff member or business partner.  When/if you're registered as a member, log in to your account and view this link for more details of how to add an additional member to your business.
  • I'm a florist, not a grower. Can I join Flowers from the Farm?

    We welcome florists who are committed to using and promoting seasonal British grown flowers in their work. Joining Flowers from the Farm will help you to meet and forge great working relationships with growers in your region, via both regional meetings and online forums. We do ask, however, that the Flowers from the Farm logo and #britishflowers social media hashtags are used with honesty and integrity on your website and social media, and that they are not used in association with work featuring imported flowers.
  • There's already a Flowers from the Farm member near me. Is that a problem?

    It's always tricky when you are in close proximity to someone running a business similar to yours. But as is the way with any business, the right to a local monopoly does not exist. It may be that you are offering something different to customers or are in fact going after completely different market sectors. There is no distance restriction in operation between members and we hope that the spirit of support and collaboration which lies at the core of our organisation will help you to build useful ties with other members in your region - both near and far.
  • I grow on a small scale - can I join?

    There is no minimum size of growing area required to join us, but you do need to have the sale of British grown cut flowers as a primary focus of your business. Many of our members grow in back gardens and on allotments, while others are based on working farms, or have smallholdings dedicated to flower growing. Urban or rural, we welcome flower growers large and small - our main priority is that you're passionate about growing, using and selling seasonal, British grown flowers and would like to help us spread the word.
  • Can I pay by BACS?

    We do not recommend BACS payments as they slow down your membership registration and DO NOT renew automatically.  You then have to renew manually and let us know.  As soon as your membership expires it becomes inactive and stays that way until you let us know you have paid. However, if you have no option but to pay by BACS, when choosing your payment method when you join, simply choose BACS.  If continuing your membership, make your payment when your subscription expires and then contact us to confirm. Please contact us if you don't see our bank details when you register. Remember to let us know when you have paid so we can confirm and trigger your membership as soon as possible.
  • Can I join Flowers from the Farm if I live outside the UK?

    Sorry but Flowers from the Farm is only for UK businesses.