Flowers from the Farm aims to encourage more people to grow cut flowers for market in Britain; to promote British flowers, thereby improving the marketplace for our members’ produce; and to foster friendship and sharing through meetings, activities and communication. Read our terms and conditions for membership.
1.You are joining Flowers From The Farm, a co-operative, not for profit, network which is owned by its members. The organisation is run on a voluntary basis, and works using the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity, and the ethical values of honesty and openness.
Our official AIMS, stated in our constitution, are
2. As a member of Flowers from the Farm, you will be part of a movement that values British flowers and works to build a recognised premium brand. The success of this movement depends on every one of us working together in a positive, co-operative manner. You agree to promote British Flowers by sharing news about your growing and floristry and by getting to know others in complementary roles.
3. To embody our values of honesty and openness, we strongly recommend that all members include a paragraph on the ‘about’ page (or equivalent) of their own business website which includes the following information:
4. Other members are your colleagues and not your competition and should be regarded as such. Fair practice in business is the norm in our network. This might include:
5. When you use a photo, you MUST own the copyright of the image [i.e. you took the picture yourself] or have permission to upload it from the person who took it. If the image features a person/people, to keep within GDPR regulations, you must also have the express permission of the person/people to share the image. By uploading a photograph, you are agreeing to indemnify FFTF from any liability resulting from breaches of copyright of the image existing online on our website in digital form.
6. When placing anything on the website; comments, questions, webpage information, or image etc. you will do so within the confines of British Law, and within the spirit of the points above.
7. We reserve the right to use any image uploaded to the website by you, to promote British Flowers elsewhere on the website, or on our social media feeds. You agree not to use or download any images from this website which did not originate from you.
8. Using our logo must be done within the confines of law.
9. Use Flowers from the Farm branding and hashtags with integrity at all times. The Flowers from the Farm logo, and hashtags promoting Flowers from the Farm, UK seasonality and locally grown flower provenance, own grown flowers and #britishflowers must be used honestly on your website and social media, and not in association with work featuring imported flowers.
10. Your access to the backend of the Flowers from the Farm website is limited to the editing of your own page, your profile and account details. Please see our Privacy page for information on how we use your information.
11. We reserve the right to delete a member’s account if the above terms are broken or if, in the Directors’ opinion, a member’s attitude consistently falls short of what is expected.
Most importantly, you will get out of your membership what you put into it, so join in.