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into the Blooms Spring Flowers

About us

Flowers from the Farm is the award-winning membership association championing artisan growers of seasonal, scented, locally grown cut flowers. Our network stretches across the whole of the UK and puts you in touch with flowers on your doorstep.

Flowers from the Farm Principles

During 2023 it was recognised that due to the growth of the membership the day to day running of the organisation needed to be adapted to enable us to offer more to our members and the wider British flower movement. A steering group was created from our existing members who established principles that were voted on, as outlined below.


To uphold high standards of transparency and accountability to our members and ensure that FFTF is run professionally, efficiently, and effectively.


To foster a sense of community, working together to achieve our mutual aims and objectives.

To support all members whether experienced or new entrant.

To take an open, consultative, and collaborative approach with our stakeholders, ensuring the delivery of equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives across the membership.


To secure a long term, sustainable and successful future for British cut flowers through promotion, professionalism, routes to market, and representation at policy level.


To provide continued professional development (CPD), training and education for members.

To educate the wider public to increase awareness and understanding of the cut flower industry.

Quality Standards

To develop quality standards for the British cut flower industry.

To establish guidelines which ensure that our best quality product reaches the public.

Sustainability & Ethics

To take a clear position on sustainability.

To develop sustainability and ethics standards for the cut flower industry, working in partnership with other institutions, member bodies and organisations.